How to decorate kitchen counters

Whether you enjoy cooking or not, kitchens hold a special place in our houses. You will find a house without a laundry room, but a house without a kitchen will be very difficult to find. The idea of a kitchenless house simply doesn’t feel right. That is why, even if they do not cook, most people pay close attention to the design of their kitchens.

However, decorating kitchen countertops can be confusing for many people, especially if they are doing it for the first time. The kitchen should reflect your personality and character while maintaining a fine balance between style and practicality. It should be designed in such a way that it adds charm to your entire home and provides a functional space to cook, entertain, and store your different appliances and groceries.

While decorating a kitchen, kitchen countertops play a major role. A countertop design can make or break the look of your kitchen. At Argan Design, we make decorating your home easy and fuss-free. When it comes to decorating countertops, we help our clients design the perfect kitchen by choosing countertops from different types of materials such as Granite, quartz, marble, ceramic tile, natural stone, concrete, limestone, slate, butcher block. Check kitchen designed by us.

Let us discover five easy ways to a functional kitchen in this blog by Argan Design.

A Clean and Decluttered Look Is Always In

While designing your kitchen, one of the best things you can do is keep it clean and decluttered. You may go heavy with designing other parts of your house, but when it comes to kitchen countertops, neat and tidy looks simply work the best. Out of all the rooms in your house, the most frequently visited would be the kitchen, for sure. That is why kitchens should be tidy.

When people cook, a lot of activities are being performed simultaneously, like a coffee machine grinding coffee, pasta water boiling, chopping veggies, and so on. At such times, if you heavily design your kitchen, you will feel overwhelmed all the time. The tidy look of the kitchen countertop can help you relax, stay calm and focus on cooking or dining with peace of mind. At Argan Design, we always suggest our clients leave enough space on countertops so people can cook and eat with ease.

Use Herbs and Plants to Decorate Your Countertops

Flowers and plants always brighten up a room. Especially when you keep your kitchen countertop clean and minimalist, adding in a few succulents and herbs adds charm to the countertop. Using plants for decorating your kitchen is one of the best kitchen styling tips that most interior decorators suggest.

You can use herbs such as thyme, rosemary, and basil on your countertop. By using such herbs, you will not only get fresh herbs at all times, but you will also get cleaner air and a kitchen that has a soothing smell.

Imagine coming home from a hectic work day and entering a kitchen that smells divine and pouring yourself a fresh cup of coffee. This will feel truly magnificent and amazing every time you come home. You can place herbs near your stove, or have hanging plants near your window, or you can even add a dash of color to your kitchen using colorful flowers and plants as décor.

Go Chic By Using Concrete And Worn Textures In Your Kitchen

When people hear clean and decluttered looks for their kitchen and countertops, they automatically gravitate towards whites and beiges, but literally, everybody is doing it. Using white or beige is one of the most common kitchen countertop ideas that are being used these days.

You can keep your clean and decluttered look using many different color schemes, such as concrete. Using concrete, you don’t only get a clean slate but also get an interesting texture for your kitchen. Inspired by industrial towns such as New York and London, concrete textures can be created in many different colors, ranging from lighter shades to darker shades. Depending upon your style, you can use the right shade of concrete and can match it with other textures such as wood as well. Sometimes, playing with textures gives the perfect chic look to your kitchen.

Concrete countertops simply look very posh and chic. By using such distinct textures for your countertops, you can add character to your kitchen by doing very little work. You can easily find concrete countertop options.

Go Bold With Colors

Minimalistic and clean looks don’t always require the use of plain and dull colors. You can choose one bold color, such as turquoise, yellow, or even navy blue, for painting your kitchen walls and keeping your countertops in shades of white. You can create a similar rich look by inverting that, keeping your countertop brightly painted, and using light colors for your walls. Either way, your kitchen will become the highlight of your home.

Layer Items on Your Kitchen Countertop to Create Depth

Even when you focus on making your kitchen look clean and chic, it should at the same time appear welcoming and cozy as well. To make the kitchen feel classy yet cozy, Argan Design suggests using the layering technique. This makes your kitchen feel warm and cozy and ready to welcome people.

Layer wooden chopping boards by placing them against the kitchen backdrop and placing a few accents in front of them to create depth. To create a layering effect, you can use either decorative accents or everyday objects. Add in objects of different heights and place them in sequence so that the eye catches vertical attention. Wooden chopping boards add character to the kitchen. You can even use woven baskets, flowers, and a stainless steel knife set to create the layered effect.

There are many more classy effects and décor ideas that can be used to decorate your kitchen countertops. Even when it seems that you have figured out everything for your kitchen décor talking to Argan Design can give you meaningful insights into how you can make your space look more charming, cozy, and comfortable.